Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023Liked by MARK SHIPOWICK

In your final comment you noted a lack of “total confidence” in the full vision by Wilkerson. I might call it not having a full understanding at this moment. Like the 1844 movement, many around the world received inspiration re: it, and some, as we know, did not understand it clearly. I believe many are receiving revelation now; some light we may not be seeing clearly at this moment. I don’t think we can mark revelations as error simply based on what we think we’re confident in re: what we know. (Does that sound as clear as mud? Lol) Blessings!

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023Author

Wilkerson's vision is simple, direct and easily understood. If it is from God, the whole of it is inspired, and I think it probably is.

One reason I have to leave the door of non-inspiration open a crack is that I'm also looking into another person who claims to have visions. She's had hundreds over the last 20 years, mostly about the end-times, and what she says aligns with scripture but there are a few things that I can't reconcile so I'm still undecided. I went ahead and published Wilkerson's vision because I don't see any conflicts with scripture but that, in itself, does not guarantee its inspiration. In cases of modern dreams and visions of non-prophets, I think we can't say for sure until they are completely, exactly fulfilled.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by MARK SHIPOWICK

Thanks Mark, I appreciate your presentation. If we rule out the vision completely, will we become less sensitive to the rest of prophecy as it is fulfilled. There is in my mind no doubt, we are living in End Time. Right now, our time must be occupied with the study of The Word, and The Spirit of Prophecy writings. I see value in Wilkerson's vision, even if it is only to drive us to Scripture to cement our assurance in what we believe, and the One in whom we believe. God Bless

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How long is Wilkerson's the vision? Are you able to email a copy or is it only in book form?


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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023Author

Here is a PDF of the book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K4zA7K1A2fTKNdB4dsyQhNpy6g75oO78/view?usp=drive_link

I was going to give a link in the article but I was not sure about the copyright. I looked into it just now and it is public domain.

Here's a link to his 1973 sermon, the first time he shared his vision in public, several months before the book was published. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2gBTY70-mY. This video is half an hour. His full sermon is an hour or more if I remember right but this shorter version covers most of it.

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