Happy Sabbath Mark,

Thank you for your research. I have also been contemplating the future application’s of Daniel and Revelation, though not as thoroughly as I would like. Sis Ellen’s words are compelling. One of the prophecies that intrigues me is the abomination of desolation. Pastor Doug Batchelor believes and teaches that the abomination is the Sunday law. It sounds right..However, to me, the scripture reads like a literal event and not just a type of symbolic reading. Could it be both? I think it could. The Sunday law is the spiritual aspect but I’m expecting the literal to include something possibly like this: the Jewish hierarchy will sacrifice a red heifer and sprinkle the blood on the mercy seat of the “newly discovered Ark of the Covenant”, negating Jesus as the Lamb of God, as a sacrifice for us, right before the pope sits down as “God”. I’m looking forward to more research and insights from you.

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Yes, that's exactly the point - keep an open mind on the full meaning of the abomination of desolation and the rest of the prophecies of the little book. In another quote Ellen White confirms that we don't have it all figured out in regard to the mark of the beast, which is essentially another name for the abomination of desolation.

“The light that we have upon the third angel's message is the true light. The mark of the beast is exactly what it has been proclaimed to be. Not all in regard to this matter is yet understood, and will not be understood until the unrolling of the scroll; but a most solemn work is to be accomplished in our world.” {8T 159.3}

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Thank you for the article Brother Mark. Thought you might be interested in this scripture layout of the seven "thundering's" of revelation from their position in the sanctuary. Is there a correlation to the 7 thunders? Blessings! Follow this link.


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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Author

I see a possible connection to the thunders in the scriptures that run along the top of the chart. I also agree that like in Ezekiel 9 to 11 there is a progression from the inner sanctuary to the outer court.

Those who co-operate with Christ in his final work of atonement will know when he has finished cleansing the sanctuary, the altar and the inner court and laid off his priestly robes and put on his kingly robes. After cleansing these then he cleanses the outer court, the court of the gentiles. Rev 11:1-3.

I'm a futurist myself, but this particular article will be a hard pill to swallow for futurists. It will be rejected by historicists as well. But I promise to publish any critique from either camp and to do my best to frankly acknowledge its flaws and make adjustments where they're needed up to a full retraction. Hopefully, we're all learning.

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